martes, marzo 08, 2005


Por fin sale el comic de mi amigo el escritor Jaime Román Collado y el gran Tony Sandoval, JOHNNY CARONTE! Se los recomiendo muchísimo, el arte es espectacular y la trama, hasta donde sé, es muy divertida. Además que hay una sorpresa de mi parte en la sección de pin-ups ;)

Se puede encargar ya por internet, en TFAW por ejemplo:

Johnny Caronte Vol 1 Zombie Detective & Revolver Gn

Publisher: Alias Enterprises Ll

Type: Graphic Novels

Genre: Crime

Availability: May 2005

Price: $5.99

by Jamie Román Collado Johnny Caronte, Zombie Detective is the story of mobsters, hitmen, and femme fatales. However, the characters in this dark tale have a peculiar trait: they're zombies that can only die by a bullet to the head, causing their bodies to revert back to human form... which they find repugnant indeed! It's like a Bogart or Cagney flick mixed with Night of the Living Dead. The first in a series of upcoming one-shots! This issue: Johnny Caronte, police detective, investigates the mysterious assassination of the mayor. The more he uncovers in the case, the more he finds himself enshrouded in deeper mystery. Also in this volume: The Revolver from one of the most ancient and powerful creatures of Hell has been stolen. The thief, Monica, is using it to killing demons in order to collect their souls and sell them to the Witch of Barcelona. With this new weapon, Monica holds great power... but she has yet to learn the weapon's full potential. She'd better find out fast though, because Hell has sent a renegade demon to recover the stolen gun!

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